When you’ve opened a document in CorA, you can switch to the tab “Edit”, where you can view the document contents and make annotations. The tab consists of a toolbar, the editor table, and (optionally) a text preview.

The toolbar

The toolbar at the top of the page allows you to navigate the document and perform various actions.

Button Function
Your current position in the document. Values shown here depend on your editor settings. Click on this element to navigate to a page by number.
Go to the previous page.
Go to the next page.
Jump to Line Go to a specific line number (the bold number at the beginning of a row).
Undo an annotation. All changes made in the editor table can be undone, except for automatically generated annotations and editing tokens.
Redo an annotation. (“Undo the undo.”)
Search Start a search within the document.
Jump to the previous search result.
Jump to the next search result.
Annotate automatically Run an external annotation tool on the document.
Metadata View/change the document’s metadata, i.e. custom ID, name, and header.

The editor table

The heart of the editor is the editor table, which looks similar to this:

Sample screenshot of the editor table

Sample screenshot of the editor table

Each line in the editor table corresponds to one modernized token in the document model. The exact configuration of columns that you see depends on the annotation layers that are linked to the document and your editor settings. Here is a description of the columns that will always be present (if you haven’t hidden them):

  • Progress bar (P): This is a visual indicator of the annotation progress in the current document. Whenever you change an annotation, the progress bar updates to cover the document up to this point. You can also toggle the progress up to a certain point by clicking on the bar.

    Functionally, the status of the progress bar only matters when calling an automatic annotator.

  • Token number (#): A sequential numbering of all tokens in the document. Can be used to refer to a specific token, roughly estimate its position within in the document, or directly jump to it by using “Jump to Line” from the toolbar.

  • Line: A condensed representation of the token’s position in the original document layout.

  • Mark (E): A checkbox that can be used to mark/highlight tokens, intended for marking problematic/erroneous cases that you might want to review later, but can actually be used in any way you want. There is no special functionality attached to this field except that you can easily search for it.

  • Token (Trans/UTF): The “trans” and “utf” representations of the token, respectively. You probably want to hide one of the two in the editor settings.

  • Dropdown menu (the dropdown icon) at the end of the row: Can be used to call the token editing features or to quickly search for similar tokens.

Other columns are specific to certain annotation layers; please refer to the list of annotation layers for more information.

Saving changes

There is no “save” button in CorA. Changes you make in the editor are saved automatically.

As long as the connectivity icon (connectivity icon) in the top right corner of the screen is green, there is a connection to the server. A red icon indicates a problem — although if it turns green again within a few minutes, this is nothing to worry about, since trivial problems such as a temporary loss of your wi-fi connection could trigger this as well. Should you have unsaved changes for more than 3–4 minutes due to connectivity problems, CorA will alert you with a pop-up notification, so you won’t suddenly lose several hours’ worth of work.


If you want to exit CorA, and want to be certain that all of your changes have been saved, it is best to close the document explicitly by clicking on the “Close file” button at the top right. If the document closes normally and you return to the file overview again, you can be certain that all of your changes were saved.

If you want to discard any recent changes that you’ve made, you can always use the undo button (undo button) in the toolbar.

Horizontal text preview

At the bottom of the page, you will find a text preview field that shows an excerpt from the currently opened document. Contrary to the editor table, which shows one token per line, the text preview shows the text consecutively (or “horizontally”). This allows you to easily read the passage that you’re currently annotating.

While navigating within the editor table, the token corresponding to the row you’re currently in is highlighted in the text preview. Furthermore, the preview shows up to 30 tokens before and after the current page in the editor. This allows you to, for example, set the number of displayed lines per page low enough so you don’t need to scroll, but still see enough textual context to make informed decisions during annotation.

You can customize which token representation is shown in the text preview, or turn it off completely.