To manage documents, change to the tab “File” while logged in to CorA.

On this tab, you can see all projects that you have access to, and all files (documents) that are contained within them. You can:

  • Open any document by clicking on it. Documents can only be opened by one user at a time, and each user can have only one opened document. Documents that are currently opened are shown in grey; clicking on them will tell you details about the user who opened it.

  • Sort the list of documents by clicking on any of the headers — e.g., click on “Last Modified” to sort files by the time they were last modified. Click twice to sort in reverse order.

  • Delete a document by clicking on the red 'X' symbol at the end of the row. Only the user who imported a text (shown under “Created… by”) is allowed to delete it. If you do not see the icon, you’re probably not the user who created the file. Be careful; this action currently cannot be undone!


Administrators can always see all projects and documents (regardless of the project’s access settings), can always delete any file, and can forcibly close files opened by other users.

Importing a document

There are two ways to import documents into CorA, both of which can be accessed by clicking on the respective button at the top of the page:

  1. Import from CorA-XML: Upload a file in CorA-XML format.

  2. Import from Custom Format: Upload a file in a format specific to the project you’re working on; this can be anything, and requires that an administrator has set up an appropriate import script for the project.

In both cases, you will be prompted for information about your document:

  • The project into which your document should be imported.
  • A name for your document.
  • (Optionally) a custom ID for your document.


Administrators can also specify the tagset links for the document; normal users cannot, but instead have to rely on the default tagset associations defined in the project’s settings.

Furthermore, administrators can view and change the tagset links of existing documents by clicking on “Tagsets…” in the document list.

Exporting a document

You can export any document by clicking on “Export…” in the document list. The following export formats are available:

  1. Export as CorA-XML: The recommended export format, since it contains all data for a document and can also be used to re-import it into CorA.

  2. Export as CSV: A text file containing one (modernized) token per line, with customizable fields as character-separated values (CSV). Good for readability, can easily be processed further or loaded into a spreadsheet application, but only contains a subset of the document’s information.

A feature to export in a custom format, analogous to “Import from Custom Format”, is planned but not yet available.

(Administrators can also choose to “Export as four-column normalization format”, which only exists for legacy reasons and might be removed at any time. It is functionally almost identical to “Export as CSV” with columns “Token (ASCII)”, “Normalization”, “Modernization”, “Modernization Type”.)